Sunday, September 9, 2012

Clouds of Faithfulness

Over the past few weeks God has been reminding me again and again to recall his faithfulness.  He commands us in His word to do this numerous times.  One example comes from Joshua 4, when the Israelites cross over the Jordan.  He tells each tribe to take a stone from the river to have as a memorial, so they will remember that God was the one who parted the water for them.

Many of you remember being asked to pray for us this summer, as we attempted to fly from the mountains of PNG to the coast of Port Moresby.   We waited for 2 days in thick cloud and fog coverage, and were finally able to fly out on the third day.  All the glory be to God!

But, it wasn't until right before school started that God used our experience to teach me a valuable lesson ... Sitting in the middle of a cloud, that only allowed for 50 feet visibility, it seemed almost impossible that we would get a plane ride out.  While we were waiting, I wondered numerous times, "God, are you going to get us out on time?"  I had no idea what might happen, or the reason for the delay.  My faith had to increase, and God had to show me that no matter what happened He would work it out for good.

On that third day, we were able see God's glory in a whole new light.  I firmly believe had we gotten out on Tuesday that we wouldn't have appreciated his goodness as much.  We wouldn't have seen the magnitude of His power had it been two days prior either.  He wanted to show Himself strong in our lives. To show us personally how much He cares about us, and in turn cause our love for Him to increase.  I realized it, as I was looking at a picture of me and my teammates waiting in the bleak fog.  It was almost like God audibly said, "Faith, I am looking for someone who will be willing to wait on me, or to "sit through the fog" so that I can show myself "strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him."

Right now, I am a senior in college with a future known only by God.  Instead of, "are we gonna get out on time?" It's "God, what do you want me to do after I graduate?, Will I even pass my classes? Are you going to open the door for me to go back?"  Just like He knew all along we would make it out on time, he knows the answers to all of these questions.  While going through this "fog" I can't see the outcome, but I am learning to simply "rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him" knowing that His timing is best.  I can look back on those three days, and many other times in my life as a memorial of God's faithfulness.  He ultimately wants for us what will draw us closer to him, even if it means going through a little fog and cloud of uncertainty to get there.

Just waiting :)