Saturday, November 30, 2013


I believe if all I had to my name were the friends God has given me, I could say that I have been blessed beyond measure. True friends are few and far between, and even fewer are ones that bring you closer to Christ. They are people I look up to, and cause me to set the bar higher. People who keep me accountable, and who I know are praying for me and I them.

If I were with my friends in America, we'd probably be sitting on our apartment floor, solving life's problems, and having a brownie mug. Maybe I'd be going shopping with my sisters, or taking trips to Sonic after church to see what we can buy with a dollar and a dime.

I miss all of that - all of you. Sometimes I find myself wanting to wallow in self-pity, but God has given me peace that far outweighs any sorrow I may feel. He has given me friends here, better than I could have imagined. God is teaching me that He gives us exactly what we need, and even more just because He is good to His children. He always seems to go above and beyond our expectations. Although we may not be able to go shopping together, or have the clearest conversations, they fill my heart with joy, simply by being in their presence.

The kind of joy that comes when I'm dancing around the kitchen with two girls who have the biggest imaginations I've ever been around.  When Rachel and I sit with Margaret by her fire, and we laugh and cry at the same time because the smoke is burning our eyes.  When Lynn comes over for language lessons, and we get to talk about our favorite Bible verses. When Baimuri gives me a big wide eyed grin, and lets me hold her little baby Matthew.  When Manandi comes inside to chat over a cup of coffee and some biscuits. When it's time for prayer after ladies meeting, and Ansuta pours her heart out to God on my behalf.

The friends I've been blessed with fill my heart up to overflowing. God has been so good to me.  I am so thankful for these friendships, and for my God who has blessed me tremendously with each of you.