Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Catch up time! :)

Hey everybody :)

I can't express to you how much your prayers mean to me!!  This trip has filled my heart so much, and I know your prayers have had A LOT to do with that :)

I find myself journaling every night or morning..."this is my favorite day so far!"  Each has been amazing! Each day has taught me something new. 

Since my last post, Ashley, Xander and I had an oppurtunity to walk to market with Sarah Glover on Saturday.  One of the bible school students preached there, so we went to listen, Sarah interpretted for me.  We also bought some tapioke (?) to eat, and shook a lot of hands :)  Walking is a challenge because of the "jungle ice" as Bro. John likes to call it.  You just never know when you might take a tumble! 

Sunday, another one of those favorite days ;)  I can't say enough how much I loved going to church with these people.  I didn't understand a lick, but just sat in awe at how much these people love the Lord!  We sang one of my favorite songs in Pigin, "I don't know about Tomorrow."  I got to help with Junior church by showing pictures of the story, and singing a song called "My God is so Big" with the kiddos :) After church all of the Youth play volleyball. Sound familiar?  Let me tell you they are better than I expected.  They are super serious about the game ;)  I let Xander take my place, and I ended up watching the rest of the time while some of the younger girls braided my hair.  They were so amazed at how long mine and Ashley's hair is.  I actually liked the hair do I ended up with so much, that I tried it out the next morning...needless to say it didn't look as good. ;)

On Monday, Ashley and I worked in the clinic for the first time!  It was super fun...I gave a shot, watched Mrs. Lena drain a boil, and we saw lots of patients with Malaria and one with Mumps.  Tuesday was "Bel Momma" day.  Another favorite day :)  I was able to use a doppler to hear the little baby's heart beat, so amazing!!  I won't mention having to give one baby a vaccine :( I think we're still friends though, she let me shake her hand afterwards ;) 

Wednesday, Rachel took Ashley, Ariel, and I to Mewari.  We rode the mule part of the way there then walked the rest of the way over the river, literally, and through the woods.  Our purpose in going, was to visit Benjamin, a man who has come to know the Lord through the medical ministry.  He hasn't had use of his legs for about 4 years now, I think Rachel said.  He used to be a star soccer player and of course the only way around these people have, is their legs.  It really touched my heart right before we left to hear him pray.  I don't understand very much of the language yet, but I understood over and over "Papa God, tenk yu...tenk yu...tenk yu Papa God!" This man who can't get around, and sits in his bush hut all day was thanking God more than I do all day long.  I feel blessed to have met someone with a heart like his.  It makes me happy to know that one day he'll have use of his legs again when we meet in Heaven :)

Today, finally.  Thursday mornings, Mrs. Lena has the bible school wives, along with the team members wives over for bible study.  We went through the story of Ruth, one I've heard over and over in my life. Watching these ladies as they flipped through their bibles, with eyes as big as saucers made me re-think the way I read stories like Ruth, and Esther.  These stories that I take for granted are so precious to these ladies.  After the story, I went with Sarah to pray with her prayer partner.  How awesome is it that God heard my prayer in English, Sarah's prayer in Pisin, and our friend pray in Kamea?! 

Can't wait to see what else God has in store for us this summer :)

Till next time!

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