Thursday, June 14, 2012

Hello friends!!

T-Minus 3 days until we leave for PNG!!  I am so excited about this summer, and seeing all God has in store for us!  God has placed a desire in my heart to take a trip like this for quite some time.  It has increased my faith to see his plan coming to pass!

If you would, please join me in prayer for this summer.  We often pray not really expecting anything to happen, so please pray with great expectancy that He will work in all of our lives this summer, and change our hearts to be more like His every day!!

Things to pray for:

* Health & Safety

* That we (Ashley, Scott, Xander, and I) would be a blessing to the missionaries and people there.

* The 'That They May Know' team; those in PNG & those on deputation.

* That we would remember that all the glory belongs to God.

* That God would give us strength to do His will, and guide our steps while we're there.

* That God would give us a deeper desire for Him, and cause us to love His people like He does.

* Pray that God would show Himself mighty and strong in our lives this summer and that we would see souls saved!

*Ephesians 3:17-21*

There, that's 7 things to pray for. One each day of the week, easy enough right?  :) I am so thankful for each and every prayer that you pray for me and the rest of the team!  Looking forward to all God has planned!!

Prayer Bracelets the color of PNG's flag.

1 comment:

  1. I just realized this afternoon that we've been wearing our bracelets for one week now - that's a whole week of prayers stored up ahead for you - and a whole lot more than that! :) Your faith amazes me...Faith. ;) I'm going to miss you SO much, but watching you hand your future over to God with no questions asked has helped me push past my fears and do the same. You'll be in my specific prayers daily! Love you, Faithy!
