Thursday, July 5, 2012

I think yesterday has been my favorite day so far.  Mrs. Lena, Rachel, Ashley, and I took the braces that were brought over for Benjamin to his home.  Lots of prayers were prayed during the ride over, that they would fit him perfectly and wouldn't cause him any pain.  When we arrived he was playing his guitar.  My heart immediatley started to swell when I recognized the tune, "I Surrender All!"  We then started putting the braces on him and making sure everything fit just right.  They did.  All the glory to God!  It was now time to stand him up, and see if he would be able to walk in them.  Up he went, on his feet for the first time in who knows how long! Wow! What a contagious smile from him!  Then his first steps in years! :) I wish I could describe the happiness I felt watching the joy spread all over his face as he took one step, then two, then three.  He made it all around the bush hut!  We were all cheering him on, and praising God for His goodness!  My cup was overflowing by this point!  He prayed before we left, another thanks to God, his Saviour, his King.  This man truly walks with God, and now he can physically!  By the time we made it back to the mule, a terential down-pour had started, but I don't think any one of us cared!!  We were soaked, but so full of joy we laughed for about the first 10 minutes just getting drenched!  It felt like happy tears from heaven following us all the way home :)   Such a great day!!

1 comment:

  1. This story touched my heart - I felt almost as if I was witnessing it myself. :) I'm so happy you're getting to experience all these amazing God-things. Love you!
