Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Hey everyone!!

Lots has happened since I last updated, so I'll try not to write a novel even though I probably could. :) I'll stick with some of the high lights!

God has really been showing me how He provides absolutely everything, and how I am nothing without Him. We hear Phillipians 4:13 a lot "I can do all things through Christ", which is a great verse, but the opposite in John 15:5 rings true for me! "for without me ye can do nothing" It's so easy in America to "think" we can get by in life, and find ourselves not relying on God for anything at all, but here you realize how much you need Him in absolutely everything you do! On the way to a fellowship last Friday night, a lady told us how they had gone all day without food so she and her husband prayed for food, and the next morning someone gave them money to buy some! Mrs. Lena has ordered baby milk that has yet to arrive here, but God has provided for us in the mean while. The morning after we gave the last can away, I read in my bible how Jesus fed the 5,000, and then on to where He is the Bread of Life!! Then tonight pastor James preached from the same text! I don't think that was a coincidence! If he can feed 5,000 people with just a hand full of bread and fish, just think what He has in store for the "itty bitty babies in His hand!" He has a plan for them, and I know He'll provide while we wait for the milk, but please pray that it will get here soon!

We've seen so many things over the past week! We've pulled broken bones into place, we've dressed burns, given shots, laughed, cried, smiled (a lot)! Yesterday, I felt like my heart was being tugged all over the place. One minute we were smiling with a couple who brought in their first baby. They were beaming, and you could tell the mama was so excited about her new baby! Here, for the husband to act the same way, isn't the norm. Usually they aren't so happy! So to see this new father looking at his baby that way, touched our hearts! The next minute we were helping another father, whose wife had just died after giving birth to their new child a couple days ago. The custom here is to let the baby die with the mother, but this dad had other plans! Praise God! He needed milk so we gave him what we had along with vitamins! I couldn't help but see a picture of God and how he loves us through this man and his new baby. When all the world around, would have left us to die, He loved us. He came and wrapped us up in His arms and said I'll take care of you! How great is our God?!

Tuesday, Mrs. Cherith took Ariel and I to visit with the bible school wives. We sat with Paimuri for a little while, while she attempted to teach me some Kamea words...bless her for that, ;) I enjoyed our time though! Hopefully I can catch on to some while I'm here! We then went to see Mrs. Dalla. She took us to her cook house and let us "straighten the greens" with her! She invited me back to help her prepare a full PNG meal with her sometime while I'm here! I can't wait to go back! :)

Oh the excitement! Today Ashley and I manned the clinic alone while everyone was in a team meeting for about 45 minutes. It was quite an adrenaline rush, having only been working in the clinic a week and a half now! Thankfully we didn't have any real emergencies :) I'm glad we got the experience :) I would be so happy/content if this is what the rest of my life looked like! I cannot wait to see God in my tomorrow!

Today, we go to see Benjamin again! I am looking forward to this visit very much! I've only met this man once, but he made such an impact on me! Keep praying for him, and his mother and father, Luke and Elizabeth, who aren't saved (Ben is though:)! This weekend, Sarah is taking Ashley and I to Ipaiyu. Saturday night we'll be sleeping in a bush hut, and then going to church on Sunday! Awe to the some!! I am excited about this experience! I'm sure I'll have interesting tales to tell when we're back ;)

1 comment:

  1. Great post Faith! I've loved reading each one. So proud of you! I love you! **lots of mental hugs**
