Saturday, June 30, 2012

A Day in the Life...

Wake up.  It's 6:15, maybe 6:30.  Hear the birds singing.  Hear a woman beating out malo in her bush hut.  Hear the kakaruk crowing.  Read God's Word.  Talk to Him.  Feel His presence all around you.  His hands are all over this place.  Expect today to be wonderful.  Crawl out of bed.  Drink coffee.  Thank God for this day.  Another oppurtunity to serve Him.  Eat breakfast.  Enjoy fellowship.  Oops don't forget your malaria medicine.  Go outside.  Feel the cool morning air tingle your skin.  Be amazed at God's handiwork all around you.  Hear the children shouting as they play.  Walk to clinic.  See the faces, feel the hurt.  Wipe noses.  Bandage boo boos.  Hold hands.  Cradle babies.  See how God loves.  Show you care.  Walk home.  Maybe go back.  The doors are never really closed.  Enjoy the afternoon.  Hold baby Grace.  Play guitar.  Talk with the team members.  Sit down for supper.  It's delicious, always.  Enjoy fellowship.  Get ready for bed.  Talk with Ashley.  Crawl in bed.  Think about the day.  Journal.  Feel God doing something in your heart.  Pray.  Thank Him.  Fall asleep to rain on the tin roof. 


  1. From Mrs. Rhonda:
    Oh, Faith, I love how you described you day - I almost felt like I was there myself! I am praying you won't forget a single detail.

  2. Hi Faith:

    Your blog is so uplifting and inspirational. You're an inspiration to all of us.

    Love you,
    Aunt Becky

  3. I love keeping up with your blog AND I love you!!:) I miss you!! SO proud of you, Faith! Love, Hope
