Tuesday, February 26, 2013

"Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life." Proverbs 13:12

Last Friday night I watched one of my dearest friends get married.  As they knelt to pray in the middle of the ceremony, I knew I was watching something far more beautiful than any love story out of Hollywood.  My friends have allowed God to direct their paths, and by doing so He led them to each other.

I have been friends with Hannah since we were both 14.  Our friendship started at a youth camp,and has kept me sane throughout high school and college.  It seems like we should still be staying up until 2 am wondering about who we would one day marry, making treks through Goodwill to find the craziest outfits, or ruining a spaghetti meal together. It has been such an honor to see God work behind the scenes in bringing Jacob into her life, and how through this adventure He has gotten all of the glory!

Although we will be missing you terribly in the months to come, I know you are right in the center of God's perfect plan for your life!  I am so thankful for your friendship, Hannah!  I am excited to see the rest of your story unfold :)

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