Monday, June 24, 2013

Jumping In

It's Tuesday afternoon and we've just come in from clinic.  The rain has just started on time as usual.  This morning the three interns left with Bro. Matt to go on an outreach to Hoiti.  I'm staying back to get in the swing of things in clinic.  Andrew and Rachel flew out early Monday morning so now I'm taking care of their dog.  I think she is finally starting to like me.. or maybe it's just the food I give her.

Last weekend we went tubing down the river here, and even jumped off a waterfall.  I won't tell you how small it was.  We came home to find out a man was being carried here, after having cut his leg on accident.  When Rachel got to the last stitch, she asked if I wanted to do it.  She walked me through the whole process, and I did it!  I guess you know you're a rookie when that gives you an adrenaline rush ;)

On Sunday, just about everyone went to Aminawa for the baptism service.  There was a great crowd.  Lots of people came to watch, and got to hear the gospel.  It was a blessing to see young and old alike publicly showing their commitment to follow Christ.  How wonderful it was to be there with this church for such an exciting time.  Afterwards, a family had made an enormous amount of greens, kao kao, and bananas for us. I'm pretty sure they made enough for the entire village.  We left from there to hike towards Benjamin's home.  We visited with him for a while mostly just listening.  Sometimes that's all that's necessary.  They pulled out his guitar and we sang together.  Sometimes I forget how much music can refresh the soul.  It was medicine for me.  I hope it was for Ben.

Because of Him,

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

His Ways are Higher

Hey everybody!!

Sorry it's taken me awhile to blog.  I'll try to catch you up on some of the highlights!

Usually flight stories are boring, but here goes mine.  First of all, I had a list of things I was praying for before I left for this trip.  One of which was to have someone to travel with.  I was reading back through my journal before I left, thinking about how God had answered ALL of my prayers but this one. In LA, as I was waiting to board the plane to Brisbane, I overheard a girl say something about PNG.  I went over and started talking to her, and turns out she and an entire group of college age students were on their way there to work with New Tribes.  We ended up flying all the way to Port Moresby together from LA.  On my flight into Brisbane, I sat by an Australian guy who helped me figure out what I needed to do once I got into the Brisbane airport (I would have been so confused otherwise.)  I thought God didn't answer that prayer. He did, but not how I expected.  His ways are just higher.

When we got to Kanabea a funeral was going on up in the cemetery.  We pulled up to the hospital, and all you could hear were people sobbing and wailing.  Mrs. Becky told me that the people believe that if you don't wail at someone's funeral that the spirit of the deceased will come back to haunt you. Thankfully some have received Christ as their Savior, and understand this isn't true.  Pray that more will come to know Him, and be free from this spirit of fear and bondage.

While at Kanabea, we were waiting to bring little Boaz back to the clinic.  Rachel S. had taken him there for more observation, after a large piece of fire wood had been accidentally dropped on him.  He didn't look or sound good at all, but yesterday he was walking around.  I think I even saw a smile on his face :)  God is still a miracle worker. This place is a constant reminder of that.  

This is my second night here and it feels like I was just here last week.  While we were singing in church tonight, my mind was flooded with memories from last summer.  I got to hug necks and shake hands that I thought I never would again.  It was one of those "I think my heart my burst" sort of moments.   I can't believe God brought me back.  It almost doesn't seem real at times.

Part 2 from today:

This morning Lynn came over to teach Rachel W. and I some Pigin.  I think my mind is full to overflowing with new words and phrases.  We'll pick up next week, and each Thursday after that.  I pray that I can catch on quickly.

We also had ladies meeting this morning.  It's always one of my favorite parts of the week.  Even though I'm still having a difficult time understanding everything that's said, it's good to just be with these ladies.  I look forward to the weeks ahead with them.

Til next time!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Before I leave

Just a few things I wanted to share before leaving..

To my parents.
-Thank you for letting me go.  Although some people think you're crazy for letting me do this, I wouldn't be safer in America.  Thank you for your willing heart.  Thank you for your support.  Thank you for letting me be obedient to God. 

To my friends, my supporters, you are one in the same.  
Thank you for your encouragement and your prayers.  It means so much to have friends, a church, and family who are just as excited as you are! 

To my God who always goes above and beyond.  
-You are always faithful and never cease to amaze me.  There were a few big things that needed to be taken care of before I left, and all of them have been.  Tickets, check.  Visa, check.  NCLEX, check.  You provided even in the midst of all my worries.  You have given me the chance to go back.  A chance I thought only came around once.  

Please continue to pray with me as I leave tomorrow night, June 15.  I can't wait to see how your prayers will change my life, and the lives of those in PNG!!

~ Faith
   I Sam. 12:24