Saturday, September 14, 2013


Almost two months ago, Siria's mother brought her with a bad case of whooping cough and diarrhea.  We treated her for both, and told them to stay close by to return for shots the next day.  Instead of getting better, each visit she continually got worse.  Added to her whooping cough and diarrhea, it seemed she developed pneumonia and chicken pox simultaneously.  One week turned into two and still she wasn't getting any better.

We were running on fumes by this point for she wasn't the only sick baby staying in or near the clinic.  I had had it with sick and dying babies.  Almost every child I saw sleeping in their mother's arms I assumed was close to death.  I would ask Snowi, our helper, are they sleeping or sick?

On this particular day, we sat with Siria and her mother all day.  Her lungs were full of fluid, and she wasn't drinking any of her mother's milk.  We tried breathing treatments, and putting tubes down her nose.  Nothing seemed to help.  She would struggle to breath for what seemed like only seconds then would quit for what seemed like minutes.  I remember looking down at the lap lap her mother Jennifer had her wrapped in.  It said, "all things are possible with God," and I knew if this little girl lived it would only be because of Him.

We had all mourned for this little girl that we knew wouldn't make it, but still she grasped at every bit of life she had left.  She made it through that night and the night after that.  Her brain was injured from lack of oxygen, and she had seizures for some time afterward. It seemed she couldn't see or hear because of her inability to focus on anything or anyone talking to her.  We slowly weaned her off of the seizure medication, and she didn't seem to suffer from them anymore.  A few weeks later we discharged a little girl who I thought may never enjoy sight or sound again.

Last week she came back to the clinic full of joy and laughter.  She crawled around on the clinic porch, and even let me stand her up.  She didn't stop smiling, and I don't think Rachel and I could either. It seems everything about her is back to normal except for her hearing.

God truly worked a miracle in little Siria's life.  My God can make the blind see and bring the dead back to life. May I never forget the power of His healing hand.

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