Friday, August 23, 2013

The Perfect Day

What constitutes a perfect day?  I guess for some it might be making the final payment on a home, finally getting that promotion, or learning that you are expecting a precious baby.  I'm sure if I were in those situations I would consider myself to be having a perfect day as well.  But sometimes the perfect day is simple.

In college, I remember thinking the perfect day was getting out of class early, the sun was shining, and I had enough time to take the long way down Washington and Dixie home, just to admire all the pretty homes. Maybe the perfect day was being home on Saturday evening, and roasting marshmallows with my parents and sisters.  Nothing extravagant had happened.  It was just a simple day, and in my eyes, perfect.

We've had some difficult days as of late, but Wednesday it was like God kept trying to remind me that he is still with us, that He is still in control. It was one of those simply, perfect days. Peace kept washing over me again and again in waves. There were no fireworks, no pomp and fanfare, just peace.  

It's hard to describe an indescribable peace sometimes.  Sort of like trying to describe the way something tastes, or the way the wind feels.  You have to experience it to know how it feels.  So instead of trying to explain it, I'll just tell you a little about my day.

The first wave hit me while I was sitting out beside the clinic with Manandi.  The ladies have been cutting grass this week so we sat on the now golden yard, just talking about playing soccer and a bad case of Malaria she had one time.  An odd combination, I know.  We sat there together, enjoying our slow day.  I tried to soak it all up.  Every last bit of sunshine and laughter.  

After a few more patients, we found ourselves inside packing medicine with John Mark.  He packed and we labeled.  Manandi started to sing a new song I had never heard before.  Neither had John Mark.  She taught us the words, and we kept singing this sweet melody, "...Aleluya, Hosanna! Aleluya, Hosanna! Jisas yu nambawan!.." The wave swept over me again.  

Church had ended, and I found myself nearly stumbling over myself as I walked back home.  I couldn't stop staring up at the sky, as the sun had begun to set.  All kinds of oranges and reds spilled from behind the clouds. The birds were singing.  A soft breeze was blowing. It was beautiful.  I wondered to myself how amazing our God truly is to give us these things.  He could have chosen to make everything brown, to give all birds the same song, and never have us feel the touch of a gentle breeze. His goodness swept over me. 

Then yesterday Rachel had asked if I'd like to walk up to the airstrip with her.  At the top, we were both able to call and talk to loved ones.  It was wonderful to hear my families voices again. I finished my conversation, and Rachel made her phone call.  I walked over to the other side, and sat down to read the book I had brought with me.  This day wasn't necessarily what I would describe as being beautiful.  Not like the evening before.  It was overcast and I could feel a few sprinkles while I sat reading.  But as I was reading I had to stop and just listen. I looked over at a vast amount of jungle trees, and watched as the wind blew through them.  The sound they made told me of my God's presence.  His peace washed over me again.

My day may sound a bit boring, but to me it was sweet.  God was reminding me that I don't have to look very far to find Him or His peace.  So in Him, my day was perfect.  

1 comment:

  1. It was so exciting to hear your voice...and to think I kept hanging up on you, because I couldn't hear a dial tone. I love reading your blog, you just need to write more often. :) I love you!

