Tuesday, October 15, 2013

An Answered Prayer

Last week Sunday, my spirit felt rather dry.  My mind had been preoccupied with worries, and other things I had put above my time with the Lord.  I needed refreshing, and before church began I prayed that God would use Pastor James to speak to me.  To give me something that I personally needed.

Usually his sermons are roughly estimated, 75% Kamea, and 25% Pigin.  In other words, I spend most of that time letting my mind wonder.  But this Sunday I determined would be different.  I sat down on the wooden bench, and pastor began by telling us to turn to "buk Rom, chapter 4."  My heart skipped a beat. This is one of my favorite passages about the faith of Abraham.  A passage God has used to guide and encourage me over the last year.  I wondered which verses he would preach on.  He then began reading verses 13 to the end of the chapter, all in English.  Maybe you're thinking what's the big deal? - Well, I can probably count on one hand the times he has read any verses in English this year and last year combined. The majority of people in church that day couldn't understand English, but he was reading them in English. His sermon continued in spurts of Pigin and longer spurts of Kamea, but all I could do was be amazed at what God had just given me.

Maybe it sounds silly, but I know my God is personal.  He knew I needed that reminder not to loose faith. To keep my eyes on him. And he gave it to me in my own language so I wouldn't forget it.  

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