Sunday, September 9, 2012

Clouds of Faithfulness

Over the past few weeks God has been reminding me again and again to recall his faithfulness.  He commands us in His word to do this numerous times.  One example comes from Joshua 4, when the Israelites cross over the Jordan.  He tells each tribe to take a stone from the river to have as a memorial, so they will remember that God was the one who parted the water for them.

Many of you remember being asked to pray for us this summer, as we attempted to fly from the mountains of PNG to the coast of Port Moresby.   We waited for 2 days in thick cloud and fog coverage, and were finally able to fly out on the third day.  All the glory be to God!

But, it wasn't until right before school started that God used our experience to teach me a valuable lesson ... Sitting in the middle of a cloud, that only allowed for 50 feet visibility, it seemed almost impossible that we would get a plane ride out.  While we were waiting, I wondered numerous times, "God, are you going to get us out on time?"  I had no idea what might happen, or the reason for the delay.  My faith had to increase, and God had to show me that no matter what happened He would work it out for good.

On that third day, we were able see God's glory in a whole new light.  I firmly believe had we gotten out on Tuesday that we wouldn't have appreciated his goodness as much.  We wouldn't have seen the magnitude of His power had it been two days prior either.  He wanted to show Himself strong in our lives. To show us personally how much He cares about us, and in turn cause our love for Him to increase.  I realized it, as I was looking at a picture of me and my teammates waiting in the bleak fog.  It was almost like God audibly said, "Faith, I am looking for someone who will be willing to wait on me, or to "sit through the fog" so that I can show myself "strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him."

Right now, I am a senior in college with a future known only by God.  Instead of, "are we gonna get out on time?" It's "God, what do you want me to do after I graduate?, Will I even pass my classes? Are you going to open the door for me to go back?"  Just like He knew all along we would make it out on time, he knows the answers to all of these questions.  While going through this "fog" I can't see the outcome, but I am learning to simply "rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him" knowing that His timing is best.  I can look back on those three days, and many other times in my life as a memorial of God's faithfulness.  He ultimately wants for us what will draw us closer to him, even if it means going through a little fog and cloud of uncertainty to get there.

Just waiting :)

Sunday, August 12, 2012


"There I sat, peeling pia nuts for dinner, and it hit me.  It hit me like a wave.  I had just finished reading a friend's blog, and I sat there in awe thinking of how wonderful my God has been to me.   His sovereignty has amazed me over and over in my life.   To think of all that he has done for me since I've been here is humbling enough, but looking at my life over the past 3 years especially is.  God has literally directed my steps and hand placed me in Kunai, Gulf Province, PNG.  He made it obvious that I attend TTU.  He gave me friends and room-mates that have kept me accountable throughout school.  He placed a desire for nursing and missions on my heart.  He opened the door for me to attend nursing school, quite literally.  And He gave me the humbling opportunity to serve Him this summer in Papua New Guinea. "

I wrote the above, still in PNG and now I am home thinking about all God has allowed me to see, to learn, to feel, to be a part of.  I feel like any thanks He has received on my part has been inadequate.  He deserves all the credit for anything good that has happened in my life!  As I write this, I have been back for one week now, and more than anything I want to be there.  I miss my muddy feet that never seem to get clean.  I want to hear Basiba say, "Awi!" every morning as I walk to clinic.  I want to eat a Bush Biscuit for lunch ;)  I want to hear Margaret laugh, even if it is at my expense.  I want to put a band-aid on Brenda's knee, and try to get her to talk to me, again. I want to shake fifty hands and say Kafaina to everyone before I sit indian-style on the floor surrounded by my sisters in Christ. I want my knees to ache as I sit there with them, listening to pastor James pour his heart out to his church.  I want to get a hug from Sister Tai and feel like my neck is about to break.  I want to pour my life into Anna, and be there when she gets saved.  I want to walk back from fellowship with Lynn and sing God is so Good with her in Pigin.  I want to go down to the Bible school dorms and see Paimuri there, holding her new baby.  To see Ansuta and thank her for praying for me.  To watch Sister Dalla as she tries to teach me how to cook PNG style, and to just be there.

I could choose one of two attitudes.  The first being a girl who is deeply dissatisfied with the life she has been graciously given, and only wishes to wallow in self-pity, or a girl who is forever indebted to her Lord and Savior for giving her the opportunity to experience all of this and more!

As much as I would love to be there now,  I am called somewhere else this year.  It's not quite the same, much different actually.  I'll probably never have muddy feet or hear anyone say Awi or Kafaina, but God has placed me in Cookeville, Tn just like he placed me in Kunai this summer.  TTU is my mission field.  Now it's my choice to decide which girl I will be.  My prayer is that my peers won't see me, but a God who is much more appealing than anything I could offer! God has taught me a lot just in the last week about patience and choosing happiness.  Just because I'm not in PNG doesn't mean God isn't here with me while I go to school.  How could I not be more than excited about starting my final year of school, and seeing where God leads next!  Even still, what does He have planned for this last year of school?! I don't know, but I can't wait to find out!

Thank you again for all of the support and prayers that were prayed this summer!!  I don't believe my summer would have been as amazing had I not had the prayers of everyone back home, so thank you 100 times over!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Weekend in Ipaiyu

Last weekend,  I had an opportunity to hike to a village called Ipaiyu with Sarah Glover, and our friend Lynn.  We stayed with her family in their home Saturday night. We started our journey around 11:15 on Saturday and arrived around 3:15 at our destination.  The hike left me breathless in more ways than one ;)  The scenery in PNG is absolutely beautiful, it never ceases to amaze me!  The 4 hour trip was so worth it once we got there!! Ipaiyu has the most beautiful view I've seen since being here.  By the time we arrived it was about time to begin dinner preparations.  So Sarah and I joined in, with peeling the caocao, and straightening the greens.  For all 9 of us that were in the bush hut to eat, it took a lot of food!  Before we ate, I leaned over to ask Sarah what I should do if I couldn't eat it all, but she said it was perfectly acceptable to hand your food to someone else.  I was surprised to find myself looking at the bottom of my bowl.  I ate all of it!  The food was very delicious, and I was really hungry after hiking all afternoon.  After dinner Sarah, Lynn, and I played UNO for awhile, but bedtime is always early here in PNG so I started going downhill around 8. We slept on the bamboo thatched floor, all 9 of us, surrounding the fire pit.  The next morning, I woke up to someone getting the fire started, and a pig snorting underneath the house.  :)  I then went out to the ridge, and watched the most amazing sunrise I have ever seen.  It was such a great moment.  Just me, and my Savior (and Skippy the dog).  I felt like I was right in the middle of heaven.  The clouds were eye level, and the yellow sun coming over the blue mountains made the prettiest picture!  I went back to the bush hut in awe of our Creator!  I wish I could truly put into words how wonderful this place is!  While preparing breakfast, we all shared our testimonies with one another.  Lynn and Sarah in pigin, and mine in English with Sarah translating for both sides.  Lynn then shared her mother's testimony with us.  To see the way God has worked in this family's life is truly amazing!  Their story is one I will never forget, and I'm sure will continue to impact me even after I get back.  At church, we sat under a tarp outside, as Bro. John taught on Jesus as a young boy in the temple.  Sarah translated for me as I watched everyone soak the story up like a sponge.  Church really is one of my favorite things here.  It is such a huge reminder of God's love for us in sending his Son to die for the whole world! Not just my comfort zone in Tennessee!  Watching these people learn about and worship the same God I worship at home is a humbling experience. I pray I never forget it. When church was over we hiked an hour back to Kanabea and rode the mule the rest of the way home.  This was an adventure I'll never forget.  I'm thankful I had such a wonderful opportunity!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

I think yesterday has been my favorite day so far.  Mrs. Lena, Rachel, Ashley, and I took the braces that were brought over for Benjamin to his home.  Lots of prayers were prayed during the ride over, that they would fit him perfectly and wouldn't cause him any pain.  When we arrived he was playing his guitar.  My heart immediatley started to swell when I recognized the tune, "I Surrender All!"  We then started putting the braces on him and making sure everything fit just right.  They did.  All the glory to God!  It was now time to stand him up, and see if he would be able to walk in them.  Up he went, on his feet for the first time in who knows how long! Wow! What a contagious smile from him!  Then his first steps in years! :) I wish I could describe the happiness I felt watching the joy spread all over his face as he took one step, then two, then three.  He made it all around the bush hut!  We were all cheering him on, and praising God for His goodness!  My cup was overflowing by this point!  He prayed before we left, another thanks to God, his Saviour, his King.  This man truly walks with God, and now he can physically!  By the time we made it back to the mule, a terential down-pour had started, but I don't think any one of us cared!!  We were soaked, but so full of joy we laughed for about the first 10 minutes just getting drenched!  It felt like happy tears from heaven following us all the way home :)   Such a great day!!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Hey everyone!!

Lots has happened since I last updated, so I'll try not to write a novel even though I probably could. :) I'll stick with some of the high lights!

God has really been showing me how He provides absolutely everything, and how I am nothing without Him. We hear Phillipians 4:13 a lot "I can do all things through Christ", which is a great verse, but the opposite in John 15:5 rings true for me! "for without me ye can do nothing" It's so easy in America to "think" we can get by in life, and find ourselves not relying on God for anything at all, but here you realize how much you need Him in absolutely everything you do! On the way to a fellowship last Friday night, a lady told us how they had gone all day without food so she and her husband prayed for food, and the next morning someone gave them money to buy some! Mrs. Lena has ordered baby milk that has yet to arrive here, but God has provided for us in the mean while. The morning after we gave the last can away, I read in my bible how Jesus fed the 5,000, and then on to where He is the Bread of Life!! Then tonight pastor James preached from the same text! I don't think that was a coincidence! If he can feed 5,000 people with just a hand full of bread and fish, just think what He has in store for the "itty bitty babies in His hand!" He has a plan for them, and I know He'll provide while we wait for the milk, but please pray that it will get here soon!

We've seen so many things over the past week! We've pulled broken bones into place, we've dressed burns, given shots, laughed, cried, smiled (a lot)! Yesterday, I felt like my heart was being tugged all over the place. One minute we were smiling with a couple who brought in their first baby. They were beaming, and you could tell the mama was so excited about her new baby! Here, for the husband to act the same way, isn't the norm. Usually they aren't so happy! So to see this new father looking at his baby that way, touched our hearts! The next minute we were helping another father, whose wife had just died after giving birth to their new child a couple days ago. The custom here is to let the baby die with the mother, but this dad had other plans! Praise God! He needed milk so we gave him what we had along with vitamins! I couldn't help but see a picture of God and how he loves us through this man and his new baby. When all the world around, would have left us to die, He loved us. He came and wrapped us up in His arms and said I'll take care of you! How great is our God?!

Tuesday, Mrs. Cherith took Ariel and I to visit with the bible school wives. We sat with Paimuri for a little while, while she attempted to teach me some Kamea words...bless her for that, ;) I enjoyed our time though! Hopefully I can catch on to some while I'm here! We then went to see Mrs. Dalla. She took us to her cook house and let us "straighten the greens" with her! She invited me back to help her prepare a full PNG meal with her sometime while I'm here! I can't wait to go back! :)

Oh the excitement! Today Ashley and I manned the clinic alone while everyone was in a team meeting for about 45 minutes. It was quite an adrenaline rush, having only been working in the clinic a week and a half now! Thankfully we didn't have any real emergencies :) I'm glad we got the experience :) I would be so happy/content if this is what the rest of my life looked like! I cannot wait to see God in my tomorrow!

Today, we go to see Benjamin again! I am looking forward to this visit very much! I've only met this man once, but he made such an impact on me! Keep praying for him, and his mother and father, Luke and Elizabeth, who aren't saved (Ben is though:)! This weekend, Sarah is taking Ashley and I to Ipaiyu. Saturday night we'll be sleeping in a bush hut, and then going to church on Sunday! Awe to the some!! I am excited about this experience! I'm sure I'll have interesting tales to tell when we're back ;)

Saturday, June 30, 2012

A Day in the Life...

Wake up.  It's 6:15, maybe 6:30.  Hear the birds singing.  Hear a woman beating out malo in her bush hut.  Hear the kakaruk crowing.  Read God's Word.  Talk to Him.  Feel His presence all around you.  His hands are all over this place.  Expect today to be wonderful.  Crawl out of bed.  Drink coffee.  Thank God for this day.  Another oppurtunity to serve Him.  Eat breakfast.  Enjoy fellowship.  Oops don't forget your malaria medicine.  Go outside.  Feel the cool morning air tingle your skin.  Be amazed at God's handiwork all around you.  Hear the children shouting as they play.  Walk to clinic.  See the faces, feel the hurt.  Wipe noses.  Bandage boo boos.  Hold hands.  Cradle babies.  See how God loves.  Show you care.  Walk home.  Maybe go back.  The doors are never really closed.  Enjoy the afternoon.  Hold baby Grace.  Play guitar.  Talk with the team members.  Sit down for supper.  It's delicious, always.  Enjoy fellowship.  Get ready for bed.  Talk with Ashley.  Crawl in bed.  Think about the day.  Journal.  Feel God doing something in your heart.  Pray.  Thank Him.  Fall asleep to rain on the tin roof. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Catch up time! :)

Hey everybody :)

I can't express to you how much your prayers mean to me!!  This trip has filled my heart so much, and I know your prayers have had A LOT to do with that :)

I find myself journaling every night or morning..."this is my favorite day so far!"  Each has been amazing! Each day has taught me something new. 

Since my last post, Ashley, Xander and I had an oppurtunity to walk to market with Sarah Glover on Saturday.  One of the bible school students preached there, so we went to listen, Sarah interpretted for me.  We also bought some tapioke (?) to eat, and shook a lot of hands :)  Walking is a challenge because of the "jungle ice" as Bro. John likes to call it.  You just never know when you might take a tumble! 

Sunday, another one of those favorite days ;)  I can't say enough how much I loved going to church with these people.  I didn't understand a lick, but just sat in awe at how much these people love the Lord!  We sang one of my favorite songs in Pigin, "I don't know about Tomorrow."  I got to help with Junior church by showing pictures of the story, and singing a song called "My God is so Big" with the kiddos :) After church all of the Youth play volleyball. Sound familiar?  Let me tell you they are better than I expected.  They are super serious about the game ;)  I let Xander take my place, and I ended up watching the rest of the time while some of the younger girls braided my hair.  They were so amazed at how long mine and Ashley's hair is.  I actually liked the hair do I ended up with so much, that I tried it out the next morning...needless to say it didn't look as good. ;)

On Monday, Ashley and I worked in the clinic for the first time!  It was super fun...I gave a shot, watched Mrs. Lena drain a boil, and we saw lots of patients with Malaria and one with Mumps.  Tuesday was "Bel Momma" day.  Another favorite day :)  I was able to use a doppler to hear the little baby's heart beat, so amazing!!  I won't mention having to give one baby a vaccine :( I think we're still friends though, she let me shake her hand afterwards ;) 

Wednesday, Rachel took Ashley, Ariel, and I to Mewari.  We rode the mule part of the way there then walked the rest of the way over the river, literally, and through the woods.  Our purpose in going, was to visit Benjamin, a man who has come to know the Lord through the medical ministry.  He hasn't had use of his legs for about 4 years now, I think Rachel said.  He used to be a star soccer player and of course the only way around these people have, is their legs.  It really touched my heart right before we left to hear him pray.  I don't understand very much of the language yet, but I understood over and over "Papa God, tenk yu...tenk yu...tenk yu Papa God!" This man who can't get around, and sits in his bush hut all day was thanking God more than I do all day long.  I feel blessed to have met someone with a heart like his.  It makes me happy to know that one day he'll have use of his legs again when we meet in Heaven :)

Today, finally.  Thursday mornings, Mrs. Lena has the bible school wives, along with the team members wives over for bible study.  We went through the story of Ruth, one I've heard over and over in my life. Watching these ladies as they flipped through their bibles, with eyes as big as saucers made me re-think the way I read stories like Ruth, and Esther.  These stories that I take for granted are so precious to these ladies.  After the story, I went with Sarah to pray with her prayer partner.  How awesome is it that God heard my prayer in English, Sarah's prayer in Pisin, and our friend pray in Kamea?! 

Can't wait to see what else God has in store for us this summer :)

Till next time!

Friday, June 22, 2012


From here on out my blogs will be brief and very random!  So here goes...

After 24 hours of flying, Ashley and I arrived in Australia at 5:45 am on Tuesday (their time).  Everything went smoothly!  Bro. Matt and Becky picked us up at the airport in Brisbane, and we spent the day with all of them around the city.  We rode around the city on buses, and a boat called the "city-cat".  From early on we saw evidence of God's provision, through a stranger, who gave us $10 to ride around the city with!  We ended the day playing with Ariel and Hannah (they are so fun!)  Also bedtime was 7pm that night!

The next day, we woke up early to head to the airport to meet up with Scott and Xander.  Flying into PNG was absolutely breathtaking!  We stayed at Mapang missionary home for 2 nights, and got to know each other, toured Port Moresby, went on treasure hunts, and jumped on the trampoline a lot. :)

On Wednesday night, we went to the church in Port Moresby.  Due to a power outage, we listened in the dark while the national pastor preached from Acts 16.  He focused on how Paul and Silas sang praises to God while in prison and because of there great attitude a soldier and his whole family came to know the Lord.  I wonder how many new people may have come to church after that service, because of the example of the members who still went even though it was dark...

We flew into Kanabea yesterday!  My heart felt like it might burst when I saw the people and the Allen's there waiting for us!  There were so many people praying over the weather (THANK YOU!)  The clouds rolled back just in time for us to land and moved back over the mountains about 10 minutes after we landed.  God's hands have been all over this trip! I have been so awestruck since we've been here!  This land and it's people are so beautiful.  Looking forward to the rest of our time here!

Keep praying!! Thank you, everyone!! :)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Hello friends!!

T-Minus 3 days until we leave for PNG!!  I am so excited about this summer, and seeing all God has in store for us!  God has placed a desire in my heart to take a trip like this for quite some time.  It has increased my faith to see his plan coming to pass!

If you would, please join me in prayer for this summer.  We often pray not really expecting anything to happen, so please pray with great expectancy that He will work in all of our lives this summer, and change our hearts to be more like His every day!!

Things to pray for:

* Health & Safety

* That we (Ashley, Scott, Xander, and I) would be a blessing to the missionaries and people there.

* The 'That They May Know' team; those in PNG & those on deputation.

* That we would remember that all the glory belongs to God.

* That God would give us strength to do His will, and guide our steps while we're there.

* That God would give us a deeper desire for Him, and cause us to love His people like He does.

* Pray that God would show Himself mighty and strong in our lives this summer and that we would see souls saved!

*Ephesians 3:17-21*

There, that's 7 things to pray for. One each day of the week, easy enough right?  :) I am so thankful for each and every prayer that you pray for me and the rest of the team!  Looking forward to all God has planned!!

Prayer Bracelets the color of PNG's flag.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

“…and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”  This question has stuck with me since last semester, when I was admitted to nursing school on the first day of classes.  It was the craziest emotional roller coaster I had ever been on.  I was excited, nervous, amazed, and scared all at the same time. 

To give you some background, I had applied to nursing school for the fall of '11 and gotten rejected.  Initially I was devastated, wondering if my major wasn't God's will at all, but my selfish decision.  Then I grew excited, knowing that God was working in my life somehow.  All I needed to do was trust Him.  Little did I know what His plan involved.  I reapplied to nursing school, hoping to be admitted for the next semester.  Thankfully I was.  I would just start nursing school a semester late, and graduate in December of ’13 rather than May.  So I went to my classes on the first day last fall, sign language, Spanish, & CPR.  That night I received a call telling me that a spot had become available, and I could start nursing school the next day if I wanted.  After prayer and getting counsel from friends and family, I knew that God had opened this door, and was waiting for me to step into it.  There was no way that I, Faith Hubbard, could take any credit for what had just happened in my life.  I am so thankful that "the weakness of God is stronger than men." (I Corinth. 1:25)

He turned my life upside down and inside out, but filled my heart with peace that could only come from above.  He has proved His love to me over and over.  He knows what is best.  All the time.  My God is sovereign.  My God is all-powerful.  My God is gracious.  My God cares about even me.  My God is on my side.  He wants to show himself strong in our lives, all we have to do is let Him.  His plans are perfect; it’s up to us to trust in those plans.  No matter how fearful we may be, we should remind ourselves, like Mordecai told Esther, that no matter where we are, or what path God has us on, it is “for such a time as this.”  

On June 17th, I will take a trip across the world to help missionaries in a medical clinic.  A dream come true!  God has amazing plans in store for this time in my life.  I am so excited to see them unfold!!  My adventure has just begun and it’s already been amazing!   I can’t wait to see how God shows Himself strong in my future.

          *Follow my blog as I go to Papua New Guinea!  I'll try to update you guys as much as I can, and maybe even post some pictures! Thank you for all of your prayers and support :) 

**II Corinthians 4:7**