Sunday, July 28, 2013

Babies, Birthdays, and Bible FM

What a wonderful and busy week this has been!

We got word Tuesday morning that Pastor Jack needed a med-evac flight for his wife, Esila, who was about to have a baby!  She stayed around the property all day Tuesday.  By night fall we thought we were going to have a baby, but ended up working around the clock.  Many prayers were prayed for Esila and their little one. At about 8am Wednesday morning, Rachel decided it was best for her to be flown to Port Moresby, where they have more options to help deliver her baby safely. At 4:30pm Wednesday evening, little baby Jack was born!  He is precious!

This weekend, Ariel, Hannah, Emily, Angel, and I took a nice hike up to the home of the future Bible FM tower. Lesson learned, I am out of shape!  Once we made it to the top we enjoyed some of the best biscuits I've ever put in my mouth! We had fun trying to throw rocks at the nearby palm trees, and carving our initials on almost every log we took a break at.  On our way down, we listened to the Star Wars theme song for some motivation. Towards the end of our hike we took a detour to go see a water fall.  It was nice to cool off in the icy water, and see home again.  

Today is my birthday, and it's already been so wonderful!  My sister Grace and friend Kelley, were so thoughtful in putting together a slideshow of my friends and family wishing me a happy birthday!  It was the best gift I could have gotten.  I can't help but feel overwhelmed from all of the love, support, and prayers of my family, church family, and friends back home!  You all made today wonderful!  I love you all so much and am thankful for each of you! Tonight Rachel made a delicious dinner, and the girls each made me a card. Today was wonderful.  Looking forward to what God has in store for year 22!


  1. Happy Birthday! God Bless!

  2. I didn't do much for the video, just took a few pictures. Grace did a great job putting it all together! :) I'm glad you had a good birthday! Love you!
