Sunday, July 21, 2013

"God's been Good!"

Here are just a few things that have been going on recently...

This week Bro. John and Mrs. Lena left out early Tuesday morning.  They plan to run several errands in town before leaving for the states.  One of which, is buying all of my groceries for the next few months.  They will be sending those back in a week or so.  I'm looking forward to getting all of the new supplies and some peanut butter!  It was wonderful to stay with them while they were here, although it was short-lived.  I am thankful they are letting me use their house as my own while they are out!  Since they've been gone, Porsche their dog has been keeping me good company.  She's a great guard dog as well as Blue, she stays on the back porch and Porsche on the front.

We've had a great week in clinic.  Lots of the medicines that have been ordered have been delivered this week.  I know it sounds simple, but to get more than one order at a time is rare.  We've gotten so much, Rachel and I aren't sure where everything is going to go.  So much medicine, so little space.  I think we might be ready for Armageddon now ;)

I've been blessed this week to be able to Skype with my family and my friend Emmy all the way in Zimbabwe - Emmy, not my family.  Both times were wonderful.  I didn't even try Skype last summer so this was a great treat!  It was wonderful to hear their voices and see their faces, not just a few words on the computer screen.

My friend Kelley has been sending me some music to listen to.  I've downloaded all of them now, and can't quit replaying them.  I've felt like I'm back at home listening to Amie, Jacob and Christine, the Halls, the Cleghorns, and even my sister on the violin!  It has brightened my week so much!  I keep walking around with, "God's been good in my life! I've been blessed beyond my wildest dreams when I go to sleep each night!" playing in my head, and I don't mind it a bit!

Last night Ariel and Hannah came for a sleep-over.  We made pizza, and had orange kool-aid for dinner. After watching a movie and doing each others hair, we decided it was time for bed.  This morning we sat around the kitchen table laughing about memories from last summer, while enjoying some oatmeal.

A lot has been happening with the new vision God has given TTMK.  Bro. Matt has been in Port Moresby this week working out details over the land.  It has been exciting to be here as all of these things are falling into place.  I look forward to what is going to happen while I am here and in the years to come for TTMK. If you don't know what I'm talking about you can check out this blog, and you can definitely be praying!

I think that's enough rambling for now... Looking forward to what this next week holds!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like things are going great! Miss you tonsss!

    <3 Grace
